The design, taken from historic wallpaper from the period 1785 - 1790 that depicts a Patriot handing a dejected Britannia a document with "4 July 1776" on the cover. He's turned his back on Britain and is focused on the American Indian, who represents his new home of America. Under his foot is a banner with the words "British Laws" on it.
I saw this wallpaper a few years ago and thought it was fabulous. We finally found the right way to show it off: As a high quality zippered pillow case (with insert). The image appears on both sides.
— Lee Wright | Founder | The History List | History Camp | The Pursuit of History
Size: 20" x 12"
Also available and great as a gift this holiday, our "Victory" blanket woven in the US showing the stars from Washington's HQs flag, Made in America from 100% combed, natural cotton.
Our thanks to Nicole Newell-Marcus Photography for sharing the photo of the pillow on display at their home.