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1881 "The Ladies of the White House; or, In the Home of the Presidents" by Laura C. Halloway


The Ladies of the White House; or, In the Home of the Presidents. Being a Complete History of the Social and Domestic Lives of the Presidents from Washington to the Present Time—1789-1881. With Numerous Engravings on Steel and Wood. Published by Forshee & McMakin in Cincinnati, 1881. 736 pp.

At the time it was written, this book filled a significant gap in American history by spotlighting the crucial yet often unrecognized roles these women played in shaping the presidency and the nation's social landscape. Featuring detailed biographies and full-page portrait of each First Lady from Martha Washington to  Lucretia Rudolph Garfield.  Includes 27 elegant steel and woodcut engravings.

Size: 8.75" x 6.5"

Shipping: $10. Please allow two weeks for shipping.


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