Chippendale-style Mahogany Inlaid Scroll-frame Mirror — 19th C.
Chippendale-style Mahogany Inlaid Scroll-frame Mirror — 19th C.
Updated January 25 at 9:30 pm Eastern: This item has been sold.
A beautiful, distinctive addition to any room, solid Mahogany with fine craftsmanship and historic style. Leave the original mirror that's very much showing its age, or easily replace it for a bright look that's also functional.
Many variations of this "Chippendale" style mirror were made. Some were fancier than this, with gold ornamentation, and others more plain, with no inlay or other carving. (Reproductions are also made today.)
I chose this one because of the inlay around the permitter and the lovely inlay at the top, showing a plant in a vase on a small shelf. Inlay takes considerable skill. To create the sense of dimension, the edges are darkened by placing them in sand that's been heated.
Unlike many mirrors of this age and style, this is as it was originally made. No pieces of the frame are missing and none have been broken and re-attached.
The mirror itself, however, does have the same thing that is common to nearly every old mirror: A loss of silvering on the back. It's very easy to replace the old mirror with a new one, and we've included a digital mock up to give you an idea of what that would look like.
— Lee Wright | Founder
Only one.
Size: 16" x 27"
Weight: ~ 20 lbs.
Shipping: $45. This item requires special packaging and handling due to its weight and size to ensure the item is protected during transit. Please allow up to two weeks for shipping.
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