Thirteen star parade flag — Likely made for the first Centennial Celebration of American Independence
Thirteen star parade flag — Likely made for the first Centennial Celebration of American Independence
Canton of 13 stars against blue, field of 13 alternating red and white stripes, printed on linen bunting, with 4 stars at corners of canton, 1 in the center, and a ring of 8 stars in between.
Very nicely framed, with "Museum Glass," which provides 99% UV protection.
Size of flag: 5.75" x 9.75"
Size of frame: 10.25" x 14.5"
Shipping: $15. Please allow one week for shipping.
About the flag
According to
"13 star flags have been flown throughout our nation’s history for a variety of purposes. They were hoisted at patriotic events, including Lafayette’s visit in 1824-25, the celebration of the nation’s centennial in 1876, and the sesquicentennial in 1926. They were displayed during the Civil War, to reference past struggles for American liberty and victory over oppression, and were used by 19th century politicians while campaigning for the same reason. The U.S. Navy used the 13 star count on small boats until 1916, because it was easier to discern fewer stars at a distance on a small flag. Commercial flag-makers mirrored this practice and some private ships flew 13 star flags during the same period as the Navy. The use of yachting ensigns with a wreath of 13 stars surrounding a fouled anchor, which allowed pleasure boats to bypass customs between 1848 and 1980, persists today without an official purpose."
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