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St. Nicholas Magazine — Presidents Birthday February 1918 issue


Updated at 9:15 pm: This has been sold.

The striking cover, which recognizes the birth month of two of our greatest presidents, caught my eye, and when I opened it up I felt like I was transported back to America in the midst of The Great War. You see references in the ads, in the articles, and even in the photo of the assembly creating the American flag.

I was also struck by the seriousness of the content and the length of many of the pieces. It certainly was a different time.

The magazine is in good condition and is modestly priced.

— Lee Wright | Founder

Historical background

St. Nicholas Magazine was a popular monthly American children's magazine, founded by Scribner's in 1873 and named after the Christian saint. The first editor was Mary Mapes Dodge, who continued her association with the magazine until her death in 1905.

Dodge published work by the country's leading writers, including Louisa May Alcott, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Mark Twain, Laura E. Richards and Joel Chandler Harris. Many famous writers were first published in St. Nicholas League, a department that offered awards and cash prizes to the best work submitted by its juvenile readers. Edna St. Vincent Millay, F. Scott Fitzgerald, E. B. White, and Stephen Vincent Benét were all St. Nicholas League winners.

St. Nicholas Magazine ceased publication in 1940. A revival was attempted in 1943, but only a few issues were published before St. Nicholas folded once more.

Source: Wikipedia

Shipping: $5.95


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