The First Landing of the Pilgrims — 1856 engraving of famous painting
The First Landing of the Pilgrims — 1856 engraving of famous painting
Update April 28: This beautiful engraving is sold.
This highly detailed engraving of the famous Charles Lucey painting shows the first men, women, and children arriving, with the Mayflower in the bay behind them.
The engraving is by T. Phillibrown (1834-1860) and it was Published by Martin & Johnson in 1856.
Somehow this beautiful engraving ended up in Spain. Luckily I was able to get ahold of it. It's in a solid wood frame I made and finished with several coats of a traditional paint and two coats of wax. For glazing, I used the museum-grade non-glare acrylic that we use with our other fine prints that protects them from UV rays.
As I've been working with this over the last many weeks, I've stopped several times to admire the beautiful, finely detailed engraving. I'm sure you will, too.
— Lee Wright | Founder
Size of print: 10" x 9"
Only one.
Shipping: $25. Will be shipped UPS with a signature required.
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