"Women of Colonial and Revolutionary Times: Margaret Winthrop" — 1895 — by Alice Morse Earle
"Women of Colonial and Revolutionary Times: Margaret Winthrop" — 1895 — by Alice Morse Earle
Updated on March 20: This book has been sold.
Full title: Women of Colonial and Revolutionary Times: Margaret Winthrop by Alice Morse Earle. Published in New York by Charles Scribner's Sons 1895. 341 pp.
With facsimile reproduction of Margaret's letter to her husband, John Winthrop.
From Amazon:
"This work is a biography of Margaret Winthrop, the wife of John Winthrop, the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The book presents a nuanced and detailed portrait of Margaret Winthrop, drawing on her own writings, as well as those of her contemporaries."
In very good condition, with gilt edges.
Shipping: $10. Please allow one week for shipping.
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